Full Service with short video

  • Manual Wind - £160

  • Standard Automatics - £190

  • Chronographs - £240 to £400

  • Quartz £140

  • Extended Video - add £80 to service

  • Non-shock jewel - add £25 to service

Pricing is indicative please contact for confirmed pricing for your watch.

Inspection - Each watch is thoroughly inspected for faults or damage. If at any stage an issue is found that could effect the cost of the service or quality of outcome you will be contacted before we move on to the next step
Disassembly & Parts Inspection - The movement dissembled to its component parts and prepared for cleaning. All parts are inspected.
Cleaning - All parts are cleaned and treated using the best industry standards and cleaning chemicals
Parts Inspection & Assembly - A further inspection of all parts is completed before the movement is reassembled
Lubrication - During assembly the movement is lubricated to manufacturers specifications.
Testing - First test of the complete operation of the watch and confirmation it is running correctly
Adjustment & Regulation - The watch is adjusted to best accuracy in multiple positions
Final Test & Adjustment - Watches are tested for 7 days before being returned
Video production and sharing - While the watch is undergoing final test and adjustment the video of the watches service will be shared with you

I can get my watch serviced much cheaper elsewhere
If someone is offering a substantially cheaper service, take care to confirm what work they will be carrying out. Servicing a watch correctly takes many hours and requires specialist knowledge, skill, equipment and a dedication to the craft. You will not be receiving that for £70.